幸运168飞艇开开奖结果 手机查询开奖记录 Creating the Biggest Life Design Movement on Earth


“80% of the world’s population don’t know their passion and a 50% feels like changing something in their life but don’t know where to start.”

-Stanford University & The Telegraph


The world’s coolest and easiest life-design concept.


1 day of time and space to think about your life and your direction.

Guided through with the Self-Hack workbook. Based on Design Thinking, Stanford’s Life Design and Positive Psychology.

Self-Hack Career Playbook

Our workbook for career design is now printed in Finnish and English. You can now find it from our store for only 10 euros!

English book   |   Finnish book

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who want to help their students design their lives


who want to develop their employee experience


who want to tighten the community feeling

Unemployment services

who want to help people to figure out their future paths

“From the clients’ perspective, getting peer support is one of the best things about Self-Hack. Clients feel empowered when they realise that they are not struggling with their problems alone and that they can help others.”
Riika-Stiina Laurokari, Team manager at City of Tampere
“Self-Hack gave our students a meaningful start for their studies, and encouraged them to take an active role as the creators of their own study paths.”
Niina Marostenmäki, Creator of the first year orientation program at University of Oulu
“Self-Hack serves as a tool for attachment to higher education in a human way by providing an opportunity to get to know your peer group and share deep views on life, studies, and career.”
Elli Korhonen, Expert, Tutoring at The Students'​ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences


Articles in English

A Strong Healthy Mind

We had the honour of interviewing Sami Pirkola, Professor of Social Psychiatry at the University of Tampere, who chaired an expert group in creating the

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Articles in Finnish

Vahva terve mieli

Meillä oli kunnia haastatella Sami Pirkolaa sosiaalipsykiatrian professoria Tampereen yliopistolla, joka osallistui asiantuntijaryhmän puheenjohtajana luomaan Suomen mielenterveysstrategiaa vuosille 2020-2030. Sami on myös kitaristi yhtyeessä Juliet

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Articles in Finnish

Lauri Järvilehto, motivaatiosta ja oppimisesta

Meillä oli tilaisuus haastatella Aalto yliopiston työelämäprofessoria Lauri Järvilehtoa ja kysyä hänen mielipiteitään elämänsuunnittelusta ja sen merkityksestä yhteiskunnalle. Lauri tutkii aiheita, kuten motivaatiota ja työelämää,

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